What is gene decoding?
What is genetic testing,
gene decoding?
Gene decoding uses laboratory methods to deciper deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) inside your genes. Genes exist inside your cells, the are materials you are inherented from your parents. Gene decoding through genetic tests help determine matters relating to genetics such as intellectual and physical potential, behavioral tendencies, and health risks.
Benefits of Genetic Testing
There are various types of genetic tests. Genetic testing helps:
Explore yourself based on
your genes

Personalized recommendations

Preventive care to diseases

Why having genetic testing?
Have gene analyzed and grasp your “biological map” handy, unlock potential and help
people achieve their best versions.
people achieve their best versions.

Understand how genes impact your body.
In recent years, genetic testing contributes significant information to global medicine and science. Hereditary genes allow us to access how variations in DNA interacting with one another and influence our development, behaviors, and health foundation.

Genes are like universal key helping us understand ourselves.
Genes open a pandora of hidden information inside our body, making each individual unique in their own way.

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